Action Assessment – Kolbe A
by Siretona Books & Merch Sale!$200.00 $225.00
The Kolbe System™ is the only program measuring conation – how people take action. Follow our proven process to get immediately actionable advice on personal productivity, team performance, job alignment & hiring.
The Kolbe A Index (Instinct Test) is unique. It does not measure intelligence, personality or social style. It measures the instinctive ways you take action when you strive. Use your custom Kolbe A Index Results to be more productive, less stressed, and unlock joy at work or with your family.
Charity Mongrain – Writer – Speaker – Consultant
Charity is a creative communicator who has pastored for over 20 years with the PAOC. She has a passion for people to have the light switch turned on when they see the truth for the first time.
Whether it be through her speaking, writing, or laughing at one of her funny stories, the “aha moment” can be the difference between living in darkness and living in the light of Jesus.
You could find Charity relaxing, painting from her home in Edmonton, AB, Canada or exploring nature where she feels closest to the Creator.
Charity is a certified KOLBE™ consultant and ordained pastor with over 20 years of experience in leadership and transforming lives.
- You’ll discover the freedom to be yourself and learn to stop doing things that don’t work for you.
- You’ll learn how to focus your time and energy to be more productive and achieve your goals.
- The 4-number Kolbe A result will direct you toward more effective communication, career choices and study habits.
- Relationships with loved ones and co-workers will start to feel more natural because you’ll learn to trust your instincts instead of trying to change each other.
Kolbe measures your instinctive way of doing things and the result is called your MO (method of operation). It is the only validated assessment that measures a person’s conative strengths. Gain greater understanding of your own human nature and begin the process of maximizing your potential.
Charity Mongrain will provide a code for your assessment, then she’ll follow up with a one-hour conversation full of ah-ha moments for you.
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